Running Always

Sculpture of Warthog


25 in Edition

W: 6.5″ H: 8.5″ L: 11″
17cm x 21.5cm x 28cm

8lbs (3.6kg)

Bronze Africa ‘Running Always’

In 2005 at the Safari Club Convention in Reno I heard a passing lady remark that she had never seen a Warthog standing still. “They’re always running” she said. I do not know her and may never meet her, but for you Madam wherever you are, here he is doing what he knows best.

Art and I continue to enjoy the sculptures we have acquired from you. Your wit, experience, talent, and love of nature shows through. Our days at home are enhanced by the beauty and cultural uniqueness of your artwork. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and we appreciate your many accommodations.
Roberta Aiken

I just want you to know how much I enjoy my bronze Warthog and Bongo. You not only captured the anatomy perfectly but also the personality of the critter as well. Betty and I have been to Africa several times and have a lot of trophies. They certainly are beautiful, but do not present the animals like your Bronze’s do. I looked long and hard at your Buffalo. They are indeed superb. I also enjoyed my visits with both you and Di and Betty and I hope to see you soon. Please keep the emails coming so I know what might be coming next. Thank you again.

Rich and Betty Lehew

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