Client Testimonials

A selection of some of the kind words from those who have chosen to display my work in their homes and places of business.

Received the tuna today. Beautiful. Thank you John so much.

Jim Coode
The Titans are adjusting well to their new home and I thoroughly enjoy opening a nice bottle of French wine while they fight.
Richard and Audra

It is prominently displayed in our busiest room in the house and we frequently pause to admire it.

Ed Keltner
I am thrilled with the moose, he is a splendid piece. John has not shown him at Dallas Safari Club for several years so I ordered off my memory (and web site photos). He will be a favorite.
Mark Hadley
I returned to Singapore and am simply delighted with the sculpture. I have spoken to my brother and so look forward to giving him his gift. Grateful thanks to John – he has two very happy customers.
Fiona Raissig
Thank you, we love it.
Graeme Weber, Franschhoek, South Africa

I received the bronze and it is as beautiful as it was at the show. I love it.

Linda Vaught
We have admired John’s African pieces for many years at SEWE. The attention to detail that he has is incredible. We saw his Moose while attending SEWE two years ago and just had to have it. At that time we begged him to sculpt an Elk for us. He was reluctant at first because it was out of his comfort zone being a North American animal but he did an amazing job. We could not be more happy with our bronzes. Our next purchase will either be one of his impressive Cape Buffalo or Elephant sculptures. Decisions, decisions…
Becky & Ray, Jacksonville, Florida

One has to only look at the ears, the flared nostrils, and the fixed stare to understand John Tolmay’s gift. He truly captures the Cape Buffalo in its wildness. I own two. His work is magnificent.

Hal L White
Diane and I are totally in Love with ‘Waiting for the Groceries.’ Just got her unboxed and placed. First, the packaging was so well done. Had my electric screw driver ready but no need. Love the foam packaging and my compliments to the foundry. You really nailed the composition, and there is great emotion in this young hungry pup. Noted the excellent details in the markings, and the patina is first rate!! Such a perfect addition to our collect of not only your works, but those located adjacently that depict other themes in bronze such as the Chesapeake Bay and American Indians. The pup is very centrally located. Regarding this piece’s history… Sooooo much better than the would-be Baboon. Diane saw your piece and asked me… “What the hell were you thinking? I did not want any monkey sculptures anyway!” Sorry I ever brought it up. Sounded in my head like a good idea, but it was stupid. Live and learn. This piece gives us great joy.
Jim and Diane Martino

To look at John’s Elephants is to look at the real Africa. His knowledge of how the animals really look and feel is evident in the details. I enjoy and marvel at my large Elephant every day.

Laura Hull Hinton

I just want you to know how much I enjoy my bronze Warthog and Bongo. You not only captured the anatomy perfectly but also the personality of the critter as well. Betty and I have been to Africa several times and have a lot of trophies. They certainly are beautiful, but do not present the animals like your Bronze’s do. I looked long and hard at your Buffalo. They are indeed superb. I also enjoyed my visits with both you and Di and Betty and I hope to see you soon. Please keep the emails coming so I know what might be coming next. Thank you again.

Rich and Betty Lehew

The only Buffalo more realistic than the two in ‘Suspicion’ are real ones standing in a mud hole in the Zambezi Valley! Thanks for this great work which brings back memories of several Safaris hunting them.

Gary Shores

My wife and I first met John and Dinah Tolmay four years ago at an art exhibit in Charleston, SC. We were attracted to the artistry and realism of John’s work and bought one of his beautiful creations. We also discovered the Tolmays share our dedication to wildlife conservation and other areas of interest. Since then we have visited the Tolmay’s home and studio, and they have visited ours, and we consider them among our most interesting friends. We also consider ourselves fortunate to own two of John’s sublime creations.

Jim and Linda Carmichel

I have a number of John’s pieces in my collection. I enjoy them all and have had the pleasure of getting to know and appreciate John and Di personally. John captures his subjects in such an intimate and realistic manner that it stands far above the work of others in the field. I feel very fortunate to have his work in my home and to be able to count both John and Di as friends.

Daniel J Scully

We have several examples of John’s work in our collection. They are among our favorite pieces. Everyone that visits our home remarks on how great the quality and how realistic they are. We have enjoyed our friendship with John and Di for 15 years at SEWE, Reno, and Dallas and look we look forward to seeing them every year.

Ed & Sharon Wilson
Having spent many days on Safari with John over the past 35 years, I have experienced his passion for and uncanny expertise in bringing these animals to life in the Bronze. I have viewed many of the contemporary artists work over this time and in my opinion none can compare. John’s original first edition Kudu and Buffalo reside in my home as well as a ‘one-off’ Masai-Lion sculpture. I have several others, eight in total, with my favorite the ‘Mukanga Bull Tanking Up’ – an elephant bull that John did for me. I am looking forward to having the Wildebeast Crossing (‘Running the Gauntlet’) since recently returning from the Serengeti.
Ken Fryer

We have decorated our ranch through the years with wonderful bronze pieces from this outstanding artist! John’s amazing ability to capture the motion and the essence of each animal or person in every sculpture is quite intricate and captivating! We treasure his artwork and also our friendship with John and Di. What lovely and talented people to have in our lives!

Bill & Deborah Keyes

I am lucky enough to posses two Tolmay bronzes – Buffalo and Bongo – and also to have had the privilege of dealing with and getting to know John Tolmay and his lovely wife, Di. I have collected African art for the last 40 years, both paintings and bronzes. I searched for a Buffalo bronze for many, many years before finding the one I bought from John – two old bulls at a waterhole with cranes on either side – but could not find one that accurately portrayed these magnificent, imposing, bus-bodied beasts. What distinguished John’s art from others is that, as a professional African guide for many years, he has lived side by side with Africa’s wildlife. Only someone who has done this can, I believe, accurately portray both the visual aspects and essence of these animals. John does that.

Peter Flack

My wife and I had the privilege of meeting John and Di Tolmay at the 2018 South Eastern Wildlife Expo. John’s African work immediately caught my eye as it was so realistic and “alive” in both its form and chosen settings. There was one large piece of a herd of six Dugga boys that made feel as if I were stalking them with their alertness with attitude apparent. The third day I could stand it no longer and bought the piece. As it turns out, John lives an hour and a half from my home and kindly brought the sculpture to my hometown, consulted on the right pedestal choice, placement and lighting. The consulting fee was a few good Scotch Whiskies. If you are ever in Greenville, SC, ‘Belligerence’ is the lobby focal point of the Downtown Embassy Suites. It is perfect.

Bo Aughtry, Greenville, South Carolina

Art and I continue to enjoy the sculptures we have acquired from you. Your wit, experience, talent, and love of nature shows through. Our days at home are enhanced by the beauty and cultural uniqueness of your artwork. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and we appreciate your many accommodations.

Roberta Aiken

John has been a dear friend since the old days in Rhodesia. He has become an amazing bronze artist over the last 30 years. John having been a professional hunter for decades has seen more wildlife up close and personal than most will ever see. He has had the talent to transform memories into life-like bronze sculptures. I have a large bronze wildlife collection and 8 of my favorites were done by John. He is an amazing talent and great friend, anyone would be lucky to have one of his great works in their collection.

Michael J. Miller

John’s art is nothing short of amazing. As a hunter he developed an eye for the total symmetry of an animal and how they move and react in the bush. Something not every artist has mastered… but John has, in spades. I have five of his pieces and each of them conveys a place in time where I, too, experienced that moment.

Russell Marshall

I found John a few years ago at a show in Dallas, and instantly fell in love with one of their pieces called ‘Pigs Trotters’. This piece is sitting in my office today, and gets comments from every visitor about the uniqueness of the piece and it’s quality. I opted to pay for this piece at the show and have them ship me the #1 sculpture that they still had in their possession, and I was always kept apprised of the status of the shipment and found that when it arrived, it was very well packed and the sculpture was in perfect condition. I look forward to seeing John and Di every year when I visit the Dallas show, and still have a few of his pieces on my wish list. John has spent many years in the bush studying every aspect he sculpts, this attention to detail and passion for his work is evident in everything he puts out.

Dillon Short

I purchased ‘Gone with the Wind’. A tribute to the giants of yesteryear. I find Mr. Tolmay’s work to be exceptional. His level of quality and attention to detail is the best I’ve seen and I have a full collection of bronze pieces by various artists. You can tell that he cares deeply about each piece and takes great pride in his creations.

Ken Swicord