
News and Updates from the Studio

New Clays to View

July 2nd, 2024|Elephant, News, Stories, Warthog|

As usual, I've been busy in the studio working on new pieces. A charging elephant bull, capturing that intense moment just before a possible encounter when things could go either way for you or the elephant. This dynamic and energetic pose was a challenge, but I'm really pleased with [...]

Some little pieces in progress

July 26th, 2022|Antelope, Kudu, News, Small|

After the epic mission of sculpting the Gwase Bull I was quite happy to shift down a gear or two size-wise and sculpt these three little pieces. It was a great way to ease myself into the new studio here in East Texas and get a good feel for [...]

The Elephant!!

October 28th, 2021|Cape Buffalo, Large, Medium, Stories|

A very good friend and collector of my work commissioned me to sculpt an Elephant. What an adventure this has been.   Watch the video of the work in progress here He asked that the animal should not be displayed in an aggressive pose and that the animal be alert without [...]

Timoti, Torch Batteries and the Lioness

March 16th, 2021|News, Stories|

I became an officer in the Rhodesian bush war and along with my team of stalwarts built a training camp on the Sebakwe river to train volunteers in the art of bush craft and tracking etc.  We needed a camp attendant /come cook and to achieve this we were allocated [...]

The Markhor Commission for Don Wall

November 19th, 2020|Commission, Large|

My friend Don Wall made a trip to Pakistan in 2018 in pursuit of a Markhor goat in the mountains of Kashmir. He told me he had undertaken this odyssey while we were at SEWE 2020 before the Chinese virus hit and changed the world. I have known about the [...]

Duff and the Hippo

July 27th, 2020|News, Stories|

Did you know Duff Gifford? He came with me on a number of hunting trips. On this occasion he was assisting Alan Lowe and I on a hunting trip in the Nyakasanga area of the Zambezi Valley. We had three American hunters on that trip, Joe Colvin, George Bezeckny and Doug [...]

Far from town

April 15th, 2020|News, Stories|

We had a Muslim cook in our house in Zimbabwe and one year we decided to take him into the safari area to assist Timoti, the tall and very much liked Matabele camp cook. The camp was on the banks of the Zambezi in the north of the Chewore [...]

Georgie launches her art at SEWE 2020

February 24th, 2020|Cape Buffalo, Predators|

Georgie joined us at SEWE 2020, showing her paintings for the first time ever at an exhibition. These are the first pieces of wildlife art she has painted in an official capacity and took her 3 weeks to complete. She came to learn, gather information and measure her work in [...]

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