African antelope bronze sculptures by John Tolmay include Kudu, Sable, Wildebeest or Gnu, Eland, Bushbuck, Thompsons Gazelle and Bongo. These antelope are some of the iconic African animals that roam the savannah and tropical forests. The kudu with its magnificent spiralled horns and the secretive Bongo and Bushbuck are well known to hunters. The Eland is the largest of the African Antelope. The great Wildebeest migration of the Serengeti and Masai Mara is a spectacle played out every year for two months and witnessed by many travellers to Africa. The life and death drama of this great journey of grazers across the plains of Kenya and Tanzania also includes antelope like the Thompsons Gazelle and Sable.

Three New Pieces in the Gallery

The War Department and Lord Derby sculptures sold out at the beginning of the year. Due to the popularity of those 2 pieces I thought it was a good idea to made a new sculpture of an Eland Bull in an edition of 12 which I am very pleased with. It’s very dynamic, attempting to capture that classic gait of the eland when it’s trotting away at a very deceptive speed.

I continue to grow the collection of the ever-popular Buffalo pieces with For Whom the Bell Tolls. A classic pose into which you can read anything. Are you threatened? Is he threatened?

And finally I am very happy to bring you a new study of 3 Wild Dogs running through long grass. One dog jumping – leaping up to see what’s ahead, another following the scent trail and the third just keeping up the pace. A fascinating piece to make.

2019-07-23T19:35:09-04:00November 4th, 2015|Antelope, Cape Buffalo, News, Predators|

Introducing you to Running the Gauntlet

I am very pleased to introduce my latest piece to you.

My first ever wildebeest sculpture – what a fantastic challenge to try and capture this quintessentially African spectacle that takes place every year on the Mara River. This drama is now classified as one of the “Seven New Wonders of the World.” Over two million animals migrate from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the lush grasslands of the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. And crossing crocodile-infested the Mara River alive is one of the biggest challenges they encounter.

I am convinced that only Africa can serve up such an incredible extravaganza of life and death. Enjoy.

2019-07-22T22:40:54-04:00September 10th, 2013|Antelope, Medium, News|
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