This collection of lion sculptures, leopard sculptures and cheetah sculptures make up a small but vital part of the body of work by John Tolmay. They are unique pieces that represent an interesting figurative narrative. A lion with a kudu carcass leads the way through this rich expression of African predator sculpture. A leopard being harassed by jackals tells another interesting story and a cheetah surveying the savannah for his next meal rounds out this eclectic collection of bronze cat sculptures

Georgie launches her art at SEWE 2020

Georgie joined us at SEWE 2020, showing her paintings for the first time ever at an exhibition. These are the first pieces of wildlife art she has painted in an official capacity and took her 3 weeks to complete.

She came to learn, gather information and measure her work in the context of her fellow artists and what better place than the great collaborative atmosphere of the SEWE show and the charm of Charleston. The ground hornbill has already found a new home – snapped up before the show. The Cape Buffalo with the Ox Pecker and the Lioness are just now being framed so if any of you are interested in purchasing these originals please contact me directly for prices. No prints of these first paintings will be made.

The Cape Buffalo with the Ox Pecker is titled “Have You Found it Yet?” Acrylic on canvas paper and framed. Image size is: 19″ x 25.5″

The Lioness is titled “That’s Close Enough”.  Acrylic on paper and framed. Image size is approx: 11″ x 15″

Georgie goes home to France tomorrow to now start painting in earnest and setting up her new website to showcase her work. I will let you know when the new site is up and running.

Click on the links below to see larger versions of the paintings.

2020-04-05T19:08:17-04:00February 24th, 2020|Cape Buffalo, Predators|

Three new pieces plus a new website for 2019

Time moves quickly these days and so must we to keep up. If you are reading this you will have already noticed the new website, helped in no small part by John Kepchar of TAP Photo Studio in Asheville NC with his beautiful photography.

I have three new pieces in the gallery.


I decided to do my best to sculpt an Elephant called ‘Duke’ who lived in the Kruger National Park and died there in 2011. This is the most beautiful animal with more than 100lbs of ivory on each side. The Duke was a gentleman with the most wonderful disposition and I hope I have captured that.

The Painted Dog

I had collaborated with an avid collector of mine to sculpt a Baboon with a baby on its back. I don’t like Baboons so, as he and his wife are dog lovers, I decided to see if he might like a painted dog and this was the result.

Waiting for the Groceries

Going on from the painted dog bust I thought to have a pup with him. It didn’t look right so I put the pup by himself. I am happy to say the pup trumped the Baboon.

Chatting with John

Our daughter Georgie came up with the idea that it might be nice for me to chat about some of my sculptures in a short video format. So that’s what we have done. You can watch a video of the sculpture while I chat a bit about it. You can see them here or you can subscribe to the channel if you’re a YouTube user.

Thanks for your feedback

My thanks to all of you who responded with such gracious, kind and encouraging testimonials about my work. You can see your handiwork live on this website. We always welcome your feedback about the work you have purchased or any general enquiries you may have.

2020-04-15T22:55:30-04:00November 17th, 2019|Elephant, Large, Predators|

More new Pieces in the Gallery

It’s been a while since I last posted here. Been a busy 2017 with renovations and new pieces of work. So without further ado let me introduce my three new pieces.

We’ll kick off with Audacity – an unusual piece in its form, depicting a leopard on a kill in a tree and this very brave or, equally, very stupid jackal stealing a leg of the dead impala that has dropped off the carcass.

Next up we have Reading the Menu – my first ever sculpture of a cheetah. Sitting on a termite mound surveying the grassland before it, picking out what might be next on the menu.

And finally Charge of the Light Brigade has made it into the bronze and I am absolutely delighted with this piece. It depicts 2 baby elephants playing – mock-charging an imagined foe or threat. Enjoy.

2019-08-08T00:26:49-04:00November 30th, 2017|Elephant, Medium, Predators|

Three New Pieces in the Gallery

The War Department and Lord Derby sculptures sold out at the beginning of the year. Due to the popularity of those 2 pieces I thought it was a good idea to made a new sculpture of an Eland Bull in an edition of 12 which I am very pleased with. It’s very dynamic, attempting to capture that classic gait of the eland when it’s trotting away at a very deceptive speed.

I continue to grow the collection of the ever-popular Buffalo pieces with For Whom the Bell Tolls. A classic pose into which you can read anything. Are you threatened? Is he threatened?

And finally I am very happy to bring you a new study of 3 Wild Dogs running through long grass. One dog jumping – leaping up to see what’s ahead, another following the scent trail and the third just keeping up the pace. A fascinating piece to make.

2019-07-23T19:35:09-04:00November 4th, 2015|Antelope, Cape Buffalo, News, Predators|
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