The warthog must be one of the most charming and incredibly entertaining little animals of the African savannah and they are well represented in John Tolmay’s portfolio of warthog bronze sculptures. From wallowing in the mud to running as fast as they can through the bush with their characteristic tails held straight up in the air like a warthog antennae; there is a warthog sculpture for any taste in John’s portfolio. He has sculptures of individual warthogs with large tusks or a warthog mother with babies running behind which is such a common sight when on Safari.

New Clays to View

As usual, I’ve been busy in the studio working on new pieces. A charging elephant bull, capturing that intense moment just before a possible encounter when things could go either way for you or the elephant. This dynamic and energetic pose was a challenge, but I’m really pleased with the result and look forward to seeing it in the bronze. I am calling this one “When An Elephant Comes To Kill You.”
The dimensions are 23″L 13.5″W 14″H.

And yes, it’s time for another warthog piece! “To Run Or Not To Run.” This little guy is full of attitude, ready to either dash off if danger is real or get back to what it is that warthogs do best – keep very busy.
The dimensions are 15″L 12″W 13″H.

I was raised in the midlands of Rhodesia where this little antelope was seen every day if you were out in the bush. I was given a .22 rifle when I was still a very young boy and this animal, as far as my Dad was concerned was Royal Game and I was never allowed to hunt one. The Steen Buck is diurnal and hardly moves at night and as such was not a fellow that bothered my mothers flowers and her vegetables under the cover of darkness. The Grey Duiker that also frequented the same habitat was a different story and if he could would plague my mothers garden. This fellow is heavier than the Steen Buck and according to my Dad fair game and many of them found their way into the skinning shed. To this day I hold this little red antelope in high esteem and whenever I am in Africa it remains a real pleasure to see them and to realize that they are still wondering the grasslands of Southern Africa. I have called this piece The Grassland Pixie whose dimensions are: 9″L 5″W 11″H.


2024-07-11T14:59:10-04:00July 2nd, 2024|Elephant, News, Stories, Warthog|

Two new quirky pieces in the Gallery

A couple of new pieces in the Gallery that are a little more light-hearted in nature.

Find out more about mother warthog and her brood here. I have called this piece ‘Pigs Trotters’ – for obvious reasons.

And for those of you who enjoy rural African scenes here is a little piece that speaks volumes about the pecking order around food.

2019-08-07T21:41:42-04:00November 30th, 2016|News, Small, Warthog|

Getting your head around sizes

It’s not always evident how big a piece is in comparison to another and with this in mind I offer you some material to help you understand relative scaling in 3 groups of sculptures. The first selection is of Accepting the Challenge, Jungle Ghost and Gentle Giant.

The second selection is of the two main kudu sculptures and the third selection is of the three warthog pieces.

The images were taken to show relative height and width of each piece.

Hope this helps you understand better the scaling on these pieces.

2019-08-07T00:54:40-04:00May 23rd, 2016|Antelope, Kudu, News, Warthog|
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