Death Wish! Maybe!

Sculpture of male lion lying on a rock surveying the landscape


25 in Edition
Sculpted in 2023

 New Piece

W: 10″ H: 14″ L: 16″
25.4cm x 35.5cm x 40.6cm

20lbs (9.07kg)

Bronze Africa ‘Death Wish! Maybe!’

Another request for a new sculpture came in earlier this year – sculpting a lion, not one characterized by anger or aggression, but rather a lion in repose, tranquil and relaxed. Indeed, this majestic creature tends to be more placid than not.

Working with feline subjects, I find, is uniquely challenging; they possess a certain enigmatic quality. When I admire sculptures in the vein of Bugatti’s masterpieces, I am consistently fascinated by his ability to capture the very spirit of these animals, despite having only observed them within the confines of a zoo.

In my most recent endeavor, I’ve chosen to portray a lion lounging upon a rugged outcrop. In my interpretation, he seems to be fixating on something that irks him, perhaps another male encroaching upon his domain, which inspired the piece’s title.

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