Recent articles published in the Safari Club Magazine featured two Award pieces which I was commissioned to do for them.
The Norman Rhino was presented to the Hall of Fame award winner, Barbara Strawberry. Barbara has been a force of energy and drive for not only her own Chapter of Safari Club but the SCI cause in general.
Safari Club International went on to say this about her. “Barbara went on her first hunt in 1990 with her husband Bill. It was in Zimbabwe that she took her first trophy – a warthog! Barbara continued with 6 more safaris to Africa and hunted in Spain, Scotland, Idaho, Wyoming, Texas and Maryland. She’s fished Africa, the Amazon, Florida Keyes, Maryland and Alaska.”
I am proud to have been invited to be part of a select group of artists to exhibit at the new Miniature Art Showcase and Sale at Safari Club International in Las Vegas in 2014. The challenge to sculptors is to make a piece that can be no more than 12″ square.
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