Use Enough Gun

Sculpture of a charging Cape Buffalo Bull


25 in Edition
Sculpted in 2023

 New Piece

W: 13″ H: 17″ L: 24″
33.0cm x 43.1cm x 60.9cm

40lbs (18.14kg)

Bronze Africa ‘Use Enough Gun’

I was given the unique opportunity to sculpt a charging Cape Buffalo. The prospect was truly intriguing. I couldn’t help but wonder, what exactly does a charging Cape Buffalo resemble? In that precise moment of the charge, I am sure that most people, including myself could not distinctly recall its features. The image was elusive, akin to a fading memory.

Here are three simple rules:
1. Consult your team so everyone is on the same page before starting the hunt.
2. Aim carefully, you have time, if only a few seconds.
3. And most importantly, Use Enough Gun!

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