Running Repairs

Sculpture of Samburu tribesmen


15 in Edition

W: 4.5″ H: 16″ L: 14.5″
11cm x 41cm x 37cm

23lbs (10.5kg)

Bronze Africa ‘Running Repairs’

This piece depicts two men of the Samburu tribe of the North west frontier of Kenya. The scene depicts an elder (laibon) removing a thorn from the foot of a warrior (Imurran). The container is a calabash (nkarau) in which these people carry their milk and blood mixture which constitutes their staple diet. The mixture is sometimes cooked but is usually consumed in the raw state. Their footwear is made from automobile tyres and with much use the soles wear thin and the hard African thorn is able to penetrate the worn rubber sole. The scene is not an unusual sight anywhere in Africa. The warriors spear is covered along the sharp edge with animal hide to protect the edge. Each man is carrying sword in a scabbard at the waist – this sword is called a lalema. The walking stick (rungu) laid across the nkarau is often carried by all age groups of males of the tribe even the very young male child will have one of these. These people are adorned in ochre and beaded jewelry. Their traditions are strictly adhered to. Long may these colorful people survive the invasion by missionaries and the lure of towns and cities.

We have decorated our ranch through the years with wonderful bronze pieces from this outstanding artist! John’s amazing ability to capture the motion and the essence of each animal or person in every sculpture is quite intricate and captivating! We treasure his artwork and also our friendship with John and Di. What lovely and talented people to have in our lives!
Bill & Deborah Keyes
Art and I continue to enjoy the sculptures we have acquired from you. Your wit, experience, talent, and love of nature shows through. Our days at home are enhanced by the beauty and cultural uniqueness of your artwork. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and we appreciate your many accommodations.
Roberta Aiken
I received the bronze and it is as beautiful as it was at the show. I love it.
Linda Vaught

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